Wednesday, 16 November 2016


The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

The combination of the signifier and signified makes a sign.

Arbitrary system - written language in arbitrary, made up system

Monday, 14 November 2016

Are music magazines doomed?


  • People are not like to pay for information they can get for free
  • Magazines can't respond as quickly as the internet can respond
  • Magazines don't fit with our multi - tasking world
  • We like to use convergent devices (e.g. iPads, phones, etc.)
  • We like to access information at anytime, anywhere
  • Magazines need high sales and high advertising revenue, making them very expensive to produce

  • Steve Auckland Metro Publishing told InPublishing. "90% plus of our money is coming from print"
  • Diane Kenwood,IPC: "There is still a lot of money to be made from the sale of magazines: £2 billion worth are purchased every year, 2.6 million of them are sold in the UK every day. They're read by 87% of the British population"
  • It can be hard to monetise the internet. It is especially hard to get people to subscribe to online magazines/newspapers, e.g. The Sun
  • Many things have been predicted to be doomed (cinemas with the advert of TV, radio with the advent of breakfast TV...) But they are still here!

Analysing my school magazine

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Youth culture

Dictionary definition: Youth culture is the way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices they share.

This can include things such as beliefs, behaviour, styles and interests. Many adolescents believe that clothes, popular music, sports, vocabulary, and dating set them apart from each other and it gives everyone their own individuality. However, some people argue whether the whole idea of youth culture exists because they say they share the same culture as their parents and this makes having their own separate culture unbelievable.

The Penumbra Effect

The Penumbra Effect in media is the amount of unexpected audience that doesn't fit into the general audience of that genre. A niche magazine could have a Penumbra Effect where the magazine has been targeted specifically and carefully at a group of people but there still ends up being a small amount of people that don't fit into that.

Music magazines from different era's