Sunday, 29 January 2017

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Depending how you think about it my text is aimed at adolescents so in some ways a niche audience but in other ways quite a large audience as there is quite a large percentage in the world in this age range.  I would choose a publisher who publishes this kind of design and genre as they are the best at knowing things to include and what to make a big deal about overall. I generally think my magazine could have a chance in the market but it would need to be shown to the correct audience to get authentication as if it was shown to anyone I don't think they would understand how it could go far. There are many Indie magazines however, I think we need one that ranges from edition to edition as ones you can buy now have very similar layouts. The magazine in the NRS estimates table that would relate closest to my magazine design I would at is Mojo as this also has a unique take on the genre. As I can read from the table the total and percentage is the lowest which means its not as popular as other magazines so I think there is a gap in the market for mine to fit in and increase popularity on the style.

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